Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Spring!

We have had the opportunity to hear two more of the Red Clover books - Papa’s Mechanical Fish, and Matchbox Diary.  We are REALLY loving all these guest readers!!!  Also, students continued to work in reading groups and on self-selected independent reading.  Keep your eyes peeled for information about the upcoming SBAC testing in future School Bell issues!!!   As a team, Equinox is working on practice tests to become familiar with all the technology skills needed to show learning in English/Language Arts and Mathematics.  We’ve been working on some sample literacy tasks both on paper and using the secure browser and SBAC practice tests.  Stay tuned for more details each week and keep your eyes peeled for information about the upcoming SBAC testing in future School Bell issues!!!   

In math, third graders solved over 5 different division story problems this week!  Our work on solving these stories concluded with a project where we were able to create our very own division story problem. We are even going to solve one another's problems next week! We also learned a new concept called Fact Families, and how to find them using arrays.  Fourth graders continued learning about measurement. This week the focus was on measuring liquids in milliliters and liters. They also completed the Unit 4 post test today!
In writing, The Observer has asked us to contribute to the next Kids Edition. We have been diligently working on completing different types of writing to submit to the Observer (we want to get published!) Some of our writing has include idioms, haiku poems, and answering questions like, “What does family mean to you?” and “If you opened your own business, what would it be?”  Finally, most are close to publishing their final persuasive pieces for our current unit of study in writing. 


  • Our DIY basket for the Big Basket Raffle looks amazing! Thank you all who contributed to it!
  • No school for students on MONDAY, 3/23 due to conferences. Have a wonderful long weekend! 

    St. Patrick's Day Green!

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