This week, we focused our reading on Rules, before we branch out to new reading group work beginning next week. We are exploring character traits and making connections to Wonder and other books we’ve read with similar or overlapping themes. Students are enjoying using Biblionasium as a tool to record their independent reading and to connect with friends around books.
We began our week focusing our learning on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and why he is significant both in our history and in our present. We watched a Reading Rainbow episode (remember those!?) and had a lengthy discussion. Students also brainstormed how they can promote peace at home, at school, and in our world.
Third graders finished their unit three math with a post assessment on Friday. Key understandings for this unit included rounding multi-digit numbers and estimate their sums and differences, and addition and subtraction of 2- and 3-digit numbers using traditional algorithms and other methods. We will begin unit 4 on monday, which focuses on telling time, calculating elapsed time, modeling and comparing fractions in different ways, and solving problems including measurement of mass and volume. Fourth graders are wrapping up unit 3, practicing finding equivalent fractions to more easily add, subtract, multiply and divide with fractions. Number corner work has included fractions and story problems including division all with fractions!
In writing we continued supporting our claim that “we need individual floor chairs” We reviewed the components of the “painted essay” (introduction, proof paragraph 1, proof paragraph 2, conclusion), and each table group worked together to write one of the four paragraphs. Ask your child how s/he thought our collaborative essay came out! Finally, we practiced thinking like persuasive writers and brainstormed a list of “problems” and “imagined solutions.” Ideas ranged from longer school days and longer lunch times, to universal fire prevention education. I can’t wait to see where our writing takes us next week!
Lastly, we are in need of cereal boxes (empty) for an upcoming project in preparation of Valentine's Day (more information about Valentine's day is forthcoming). Please send in boxes anytime! Report cards were sent home today (Friday 1/23). Please review the enclosed documents and send the empty envelope, signed, with your child on Monday. Have a great weekend!
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